Saturday, November 6, 2010


How is it November already? How is it that it's time to set our clocks back an hour already? How is it Frank's birthday on Monday?

This year is almost over. I hate the month of November...I've had too much crappy stuff happen in the month of November. The one really, really good thing that happened in November happened on the 28th of 1994 when Frank and I went on our first date. That was 16 years ago!!

I've been doing alright lately. I saw a new psychiatrist and I think he's ok. I've only seen him once so I can't really say whether I like him until I get to know him a little more. I'm also seeing a therapist and I do really like him. He's a great guy. The psychiatrist prescribed Abilify for me and took me off of everything else. I think it's working, but will need a couple more weeks to know for sure.

In the meantime, my back has been killing me. I see pain management on Monday and I hope they can do something about it until I see the neurosurgeon -- whenever that's going to be -- who I hope will do a laminectomy on my two bad discs and then fuse the vertebrae. I just can't live with this back any more.

So, I can't say things are great, but things are definitely not awful. I'd say I'm in a neutral place right now...and that's definitely OK.

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